Monday, August 27, 2012

Preschool homeschool 2012-2013

I am sitting at my desk thinking wow its that time again. Next week we will start school again. This year instead of 3 homeschooling, I will have 5...OMG! I am excited and nervous about the whole thing. How is this going to work? I will have an 8th grader, 6th grader, 4th grader, pre-k and preschool all in one house. Well, here's the plan...
1. Involve the Littles in as much as possible
2. Do short lessons with the Littles while Oldies work on their weekly notebooks
3. Have focused lessons for Oldies while littles are napping or when daddy is home.

I also came up with this schedule/ routine  to keep us generally focused each day ( we probably won't follow this strictly but a plan is better than no plan):

Littles Schedule:

personal hygiene
morning nature walk
songs and stories
nap/ quiet time
free play
more free play

I tried to incorporate "up and down" activities so they won't sit in one spot for long. I will also have the oldies help when they can. I didn't include times on the schedule because I want it to be more of a routine than watching the clock. I feel I can be more successful that way.

On another note, while I am stitting at my desk I is working with N and S is working with Y. The funny part is I didn't ask them to do it.  I love homeschooling and the Oldies love helping with the Littles.

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